Food Items That Can Help You To Maintain Your Blood Pressure

Diet plays a major role in your body. From your heart to your skin, everything depends on what you eat. Today, most of the people are suffering from heart diseases like high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hypertension, heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, congenital heart defects, heart infections, coronary artery disease, and more. It’s true that we have a solution to surgery but it’s not 100 percent successful. Heart surgery affects your brain too

Help Lower Blood Pressure With These Foods and Drinks

Today, doctors use embolic cerebral protection devices to protect the brain from a stroke during cardiovascular procedures. You can boost the health of your heart by changing your life style. Let’s talk about one of the most common heart problems, i.e.; blood pressure. Most of the people are suffering from this. In fact, people take it very lightly. Do you know, high bp can lead you to heart attack and death too. So, it’s imperative to control your blood pressure. Take a look at your diet. Sugary, salty, and foods high in saturated fats, can magnify your blood pressure. If you want to control your blood pressure then you need to avoid them. Also, avoid red meat, sugary drinks, and salt (sodium).

If you have high blood pressure then have plenty of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and lean protein. Hypertension or high blood pressure cause several major heart problems like stroke. Thus, it’s important to maintain it. 

Following are the food items that you can include in your diet to maintain your blood pressure:

Citrus Fruits:

Citrus Superpower: Humble fruits packed with goodness

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruit are great to control blood pressure. These fruits are rich in several minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds that may help keep your heart healthy by maintaining blood pressure. In fact, you can have the juice of orange and grapefruit. It’s great for people that have high blood pressure. 

Salmon & Other Fatty Fish:

Fatty Fish That Are High in Omega-3s

Fish is an amazing source of omega-3 fats and is great for the heart. These are healthy fats that help you reduce blood pressure levels. According to a study, people who include fatty fish in their diet are less prone to heart problems. Thus, you should include fatty fish in your diet. 

Swiss chard:

Swiss Chard - Wozupi Tribal Gardens

It is a leafy green that is rich in amazing nutrients such as potassium and magnesium. It has amazing qualities of lowering blood pressure. 145 grams or one cup cooked chard delivers 30 percent of your daily potassium and magnesium requirements. Potassium and magnesium are important for blood pressure regulation. Swiss chard not just helps in reducing blood pressure but also improves the health of your brain. You should include this in your heart. 

Pumpkin Seeds:

Pumpkin Seeds Recipe | Food Network Kitchen | Food Network

Undeniably, pumpkin seeds are small but are packed with several nutrition. These seeds are a good source of nutrients like arginine, magnesium, potassium, nitric oxide, and more. These all nutrients not just important for blood pressure control but also crucial for blood vessel relaxation. In fact, the pumpkin seed oil is a powerful and natural remedy to maintain blood pressure. 

Heart-Healthy Foods That You Should Include In Your Meals

Heart diseases are one of the most common reasons for deaths worldwide. No matter what your age is heart disease can cause anyone and can even lead to death. However, due to advancements in the healthcare industry, it’s possible to cure heart diseases via heart surgeries. Doctors use embolic protection devices TAVR during cardiovascular procedures to protect your brain from strokes.

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It’s true that we have a cure but you can protect your heart from diseases just by adopting a healthy lifestyle. This must be not much difficult in front of open-heart surgery, right?

Exercise and diet play a big role in the health of your heart and body as well. Keep in mind that your heart is the core of your body if core doesn’t work right then your entire body will suffer. Thus, it’s imperative to adopt a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible. There is no room for the delay here, after all, it’s all about your life! Stress is also a major problem that increases the risk of heart diseases. However, in this busy era, it’s quite difficult to live without stress. Actually, stress does not become a part of everyone’s life. But, by adopting a good lifestyle, you can reduce the stress.

You must be wondering, what a healthy lifestyle is?


Actually, it’s not much difficult! A healthy lifestyle means proper sleep, regular workout, and healthy diet. It’s true that not all the diseases are preventable but by adopting healthy lifestyle coronary heart diseases, can be avoided. Do you know there are some food items that influence cholesterol levels, blood pressure, inflammation, and triglycerides, all of which are the major risk factors for heart disease? Thus, it’s imperative to focus on your diet!

Following are the heart-healthy food items that you should include in your meals to maximize your heart health:

Leafy Green Vegetables:

Green vegetables are very beneficial to our health. In fact, leafy green vegetables are the most important part of a healthy diet. These vegetables are low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Including leafy green vegetables in your diet offer you several benefits such as the reduced risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and boosts your immunity.

Is it really healthy to eat green and leafy vegetables? - Quora

You can have kale, collard greens, and spinach as these are packed with great vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Also, these green leafy vegetables are a good source of vitamin K that improves cell functioning and maintain blood pressure.

Whole Grains:

Whole grains are the ultimate source of various nutrients such as fiber, protein, B vitamins, trace minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium, copper), and antioxidants. Including whole grains in your diet helps you to reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.

What Should I Look for When Buying Whole Grains? - The New York Times

Barley, oats, wheat, rye, quinoa, brown rice, and buckwheat are the major examples of whole grains that you can include in your diet.


11 Common Types of Berries - Pictures, Care, and Use Tips | Green ...

Snacking is a major problem for everyone. It has the potential to spoil your entire diet cycle. Berries are the solution to that! Blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries are jam-packed with so many nutrients that are beneficial for your heart.

Also, these are packed with antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which protect you against the inflammation and oxidative stress that are major risk factors for cardiac disease.

Symptoms Of Depression That You Should Not Ignore

If you are not happy, that doesn’t mean that you are depressed. Depression is a mental disorder which is very dangerous. This mental disorder can be described as a feeling of loss, sadness, or anger that disturbs a person’s daily activities. 


Depression can cause so many problems in your life. If not treated, depression may turn into alcohol or drug addiction. It can ruin your relationships at home or workplace and can cause severe health problems including hypertension, heart attack, and many more. 

Feeling blue concept illustration Free Vector

The Healthcare industry is evolving at an alarming rate. Thus, it’s possible to cure major heart problems by performing heart surgeries. Do you know, heart surgery can affect your brain too? To prevent your brain from strokes, doctors use cerebral embolic protection devices while doing cardiovascular procedures. Most of the people don’t take depression seriously. However, it’s a mental disorder and needs proper treatment. Every person experiences depression differently. Thus, it’s imperative to take care of your physical as well as mental health. 

Following are the few depression symptoms that you should know:


Hopeless Behavior: 

Woman giving comfort and support to friend Free VectorDepression is a mood disorder that affects everything in your life. Hopelessness or helplessness is the most common symptom of depression that people usually ignore. This type of person may feel worthless or inappropriate. A person having depression always takes everything on himself like “It’s all my fault” or “I am wrong”. If you feel the same then it’s time to see a doctor. 

No Interest In Life

Feeling blue concept illustration Free Vector

Depression takes all the happiness, enjoyment, and pleasure out of your life. A depressed person doesn’t show any wishes or is not comfortable in sports, entertainment, or any other activities. This is a major symptom of depression that you shouldn’t ignore. These are the basic symptoms that may turn into bigger problems soon. 


Increased Fatigue And Sleep Problems

Depressed sad man thinking over financial problems Free Vector

A depressed person observes a lack of energy and fatigue, even without doing anything. You may feel more sleepy and dizzy all time. In short, you can link depression with insomnia. Slowly, this will make your condition worse. Increased fatigue and less sleep lead you to anxiety which will disturb every particular action of your life. 

Increased Irritability Rate In Men


Angry troubled man complaining to female psychotherapist, talking about problems Free Photo

The effect of depression varies from person to person. According to a recent study, depressed men sound more irritable than women. Even, it’s quite difficult to recognize depression in men as compared to women. Thus, it’s essential to focus on every single small symptom. Keep in mind that depression is dangerous. So, don’t take it lightly!


Drastic Change In Appetite And Body Weight


DANGER ALERT: Are you losing weight without trying? 6 scary ...

The weight and appetite of depressed people keep on fluctuating. However, this experience is not the same for everyone. Some people observe an increase in appetite and gain weight, while some people don’t feel hunger and lose weight. These changes are considered as symptoms of depression. However, these are common systems but if you face such a problem then you should visit a doctor first. 

Five Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Heart Diseases

These days, heart diseases are one of the most common causes of death. Approximately, 80% of people die because of heart diseases. However, the reason for heart diseases is just an unhealthy lifestyle. In the beginning, people took such heart problems so lightly which later can affect their health badly. With the technological advancements in the healthcare industry, it’s possible to cure by heart surgeries and other treatments. Now, doctors use cerebral embolic protection devices to prevent the brain from strokes during cardiovascular procedures.

Vector realistic human heart Premium Vector

However, by changing your daily lifestyle you can reduce the risk of heart diseases!

Following are five tips that may help you to keep your heart healthy:

Quit Smoking:

World no tobacco day concept stop smoking.tobacco cigarette butt on the floor Premium Photo

Smoking is an addiction that is hard to break. It contains nicotine which is a very addictive chemical. Just like other drugs, mind and body can easily get used to this chemical. People smoke to feel normal and the addiction goes on and on. Smoking can cause major problems such as emphysema, pneumonia, heart attack, and lung cancer. Cold, cough and wheezing are just the beginning of these diseases. Do you know, approximately 84% of people die because of lung cancer? So, it’s important to quit smoking. If you are a chain smoker you can lower the consumption and stop slowly.

Improve Your Cholesterol Levels :

High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart diseases as it blocks your blood vessels with fatty deposits. With time these deposits grow and make your blood flow difficult. If your cholesterol levels are high you may feel chest pain, pressure, dizziness, fullness, and pain in legs.

Food and diet concept. refusal of junk, carbohydrate unhealthy food. Premium Photo

You can lower your cholesterol by improving your diet. You should avoid junk and have healthy fats. Also, include fresh fruits, vegetables, and soluble fiber in your meals. Say no to alcohol too as it increases heart diseases.

High Blood Pressure:

Close-up of a woman having sever pain in headache isolated on white backdrop Free Photo

Tension is the most common problem, which usually revolves around us. Hypertension or high – blood pressure is a very common factor that can cause heart diseases. This is a major cause that you should control. A healthy diet and regular workout are important for physical as well as mental well being. These two are an important part of a healthy lifestyle which helps to improve your mood and sleep. Some people also take medicines to control their blood pressure. If you have extremely high blood pressure, it’s good to consult your doctor first.

Be Active:

Athlete female drinks water, being thirsty after jogging during sunny day, has slim body, dressed in casual top and shorts, poses against white wall. people, energy and exhaustion concept Premium Photo

A workout is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle. People who don’t work out daily are more prone to get heart diseases then active ones. Thus, it’s important to work out daily. Daily workout helps you feel happier and improves your sleep too. It also makes your skin look healthier and lower the risk of heart diseases.

Make A Healthy Diet Plan:

3d stopwatch with clipboard and dumbbell Premium Photo

To keep your heart healthy, it’s important to have a healthy diet. You should include grains, beans, legumes, nuts in your diet. You can have healthy fats such as mustard oil, ghee, sesame oil, and coconut milk. Also, it’s important to have protein-rich food items in your meal.


Best Exercises For Heart Patients

A healthy heart requires a healthy lifestyle. There are several heart patients in every corner of the world. No matter, you are a child or an adult; anyone can cause heart diseases. However, as the healthcare industry is evolving day by day, health diseases are curable in most cases. Even, doctors use cerebral protection devices to prevent the brain from strokes while heart surgeries.

Regular workout is one of the best ways to prevent yourself from heart diseases and make your heart healthy. Doctors also suggest heart patients include simple exercises in their daily routines. Exercises make your heart healthy by boosting blood flow.

Following are the best exercises that heart patients can include in their daily routine:

  • Walking:

This is the simplest and best exercise for everyone. A brisk walk in the morning is very beneficial for health. It makes your mind fresh and helps in fighting many diseases such as high blood pressure, hypertension, sugar, obesity, cholesterol, and many more diseases. For seniors and heart patients, walking helps a lot in lowering blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack and other problems. Also, seniors love to roam in the park and across the neighborhood.

  • Yoga:

Yoga is the best workout for your body as well as mind. It includes meditation, breathing, and physical activity. Yoga is great to strengthen your heart and mind. This helps in reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and boosting blood circulation. Undoubtedly, this is wonderful for your heart and mind as it sharpens your concentration level and calms your entire nervous system.

  • Zumba:

If you love to dance, then this is the best workout for you. Dance with workout benefits, what else one needs! During Zumba, your entire body will be an inactive state. It also increases cardio endurance and prevents you from several heart problems. You can also take low impact Zumba sessions if required. Overall, this will do wonder on your body.

  • Cycling:

In this busy environment, most people prefer to ride motorbikes and cars. However, cycling is a great way to boost your heart health. Cycling works on your heart, blood vessels, and lungs. It improves your entire cardiovascular system. It’s a good decision to prefer a cycle to go near.

  • Water Aerobics:

In comparison with other exercises, water aerobics is good to reduce stress levels and activate “happy hormones” of your body. Water aerobics lowers your blood pressure and improves blood circulation.

It’s true that heart diseases are curable. But, prevention is better than cure! So, it’s imperative to take care of your heart. Without any medications, you can prevent your heart from diseases and keep it healthy. You just need to make slight changes in your daily lifestyle. Including workout in your daily routine will help you a lot in fighting diseases. But, don’t forget to customize your diet too. A healthy heart requires a healthy diet. So, include green vegetables, fresh fruits, curd, milk, and other healthy food items into your meals and remove junk!

Terrible Diseases Caused by Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is dangerous.

Still, people smoke! People are addicted to smoking.

Do you know smoking can even kill you?

Image result for Terrible Diseases Caused by Smoking

Smoking not only affects your lungs but also heart, which may lead you to heart surgery. Heart surgery may cause a brain stroke. To avoid this, doctors use Cerebral Protection Device while cardiovascular surgeries. Thus, it’s better to quit smoking.

Following are some terrible diseases caused by smoking:

  • Lung Cancer

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Do you know, the percentage of people who died from lung cancer is more than any other type of cancer and smoking is the prime risk factor of lung cancer. Smoking is responsible for 87% of deaths from lung cancer. The chances of being alive are very less.

  • COPD

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COPD is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is a major lung disease. The person suffering from COPD cannot breathe easily. This disease may even cause disability and early death. Fatigue is a major symptom of this disease. You may get tired easily. You cannot even climb a short set of stairs or walk. This disease may leave you stuck at home, as you cannot be able to do anything. In the United States, COPD is the leading cause of death.

  • Heart Disease

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Not only lungs, but smoking also affects each and every organ of your entire body, even your heart too. It creates blockages and narrows your arteries resulting in less oxygen and blood flow to your heart. In the United States, the prime cause of death from smoking.

  • Stroke

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As smoking creates blockages and narrows your arteries, it may trigger a brain stroke, which means blood supply to your brain stops for a temporary period of time. Then, slowly brain cells started dying. A stroke can be minor or major. It may cause slurred speech, paralysis and even death. In the United States, it is the fifth leading cause of death from smoking.

  • Asthma

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Asthma is related to breathing problems. It is a chronic lung disease that makes it harder to breathe. As the smoke of a cigarette may irritate air passages, the person can trigger severe and sudden asthma attacks. It’s a common and serious health condition and smoking makes it worse.

  • Reproduction System

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Smoking also affects women. It can cause ectopic pregnancy in women, which means the egg can’t survive. It may be life-threatening for the mother too. It also causes reduced fertility.

  • Premature, Low Birth-Weight Babies

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Smoking not only effects the mother but her baby too! If a woman smokes while pregnancy, it may cause her baby to be born with low weight or prematurely and the babies born too early or with low weight have several health complications and even death.

  • Diabetes

Diabetes can cause by eating sugar. It’s not true!

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If you smoke, you are likely to get diabetes. It is more dangerous than non- smokers. It may lead to poor blood flow, blindness and nerve damage resulting in several infections. Thus, it’s better to quit smoking.